This research offers an assessment of the urban form and social fabric of Azevedo, in the parish of Campanhã, Porto, Portugal, with the objective of verifying if the weaknesses of the urban form correspond to the weaknesses of the social fabric and of the interpretation/representation held by the residents of this place. The analysis of the physical form is based on the Morpho methodology, considering six criteria related to the degree of urbanity of the area: (i) accessibility of streets; (ii) dimensions of street-blocks; (iii) density of plots; (iv) alignment of buildings; (v) buildings age, and (vi) building use. The social basis is analysed through a quantitative mapping elaborated from statistic data, considering social exclusion. The mapping of the residents’ representations is made through statements collected in the field. The results indicate correspondence between areas of urban configuration with more weaknesses and social groups that are more exposed to social exclusion, but the link with inclusion is not so straightforward. On the other hand, research has shown that there was a strong correspondence between the weaknesses of the physical form and the symbolic representations of the place.
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