Housing designed for university students has emerged as a profitable market niche in various urban contexts. The concentration of private student residences in areas commonly referred to as "university towns" has been investigated from the perspective of studentification theories, developed in the field of Geography since the 2000s. This article explores the phenomenon of studentification in the city of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, over the past three decades (1990-2020) and examines how the real estate market has influenced the housing production aimed at university students in the city. Specifically, the focus is on the construction of apartment buildings located in proximity to higher education institutions. The hypothesis in question suggests that studentification progressively transforms housing patterns and spatial configurations, directing production towards increasingly individualized housing models. The research is based on the analysis of the spatial configuration of apartments, employing morphological and spatial syntactic approaches. The results reveal a gradual reduction in usable areas and the number of rooms in apartments, a superimposition of functions in environments, as well as the elimination of circulation areas and social spaces in student residences.
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